Just in time for summer, the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism launched the Kansas State Parks Pocket Ranger application—a free, interactive mobile guide to Kansas state parks.
The Pocket Ranger app offers interactive GPS and mapping technology for tracking trails, marking waypoints and locating landmarks and friends in state parks, and is also capable of supplying GPS coordinates to designated contacts in emergency situations. The new app also offers easy access to events calendars, rules and regulations, park reservations and more.
The free Kansas State Parks Pocket Ranger app is available on the KDWPT home page at http://www.ksoutdoors.com, on iTunes, in the iPhone Apps Store, and at http://pocketranger.com/apps/ks/apps.php and will soon be available for Android phones.
A tutorial of the new app is available at http://www.youtube.com/user/PocketRangerApp. For more about Pocket Ranger, visit http://www.pocketranger.com.
Kansas state parks mobile app available