Welcome New Members
- Megan Wilde
Proposed New Members
- Anthony, Marc, 630 Oak Court, Goodfield, IL 61742. (H) 309-965-2793, (W) 309-965-2001, manthony@nontypicalhunter.net. Freelance writer, columnist, blogger and seminar speaker. Specializing in bowhunting, white-tailed deer and turkey topics. Currently writes a daily/weekly column for Prairie State Outdoors and a quarterly newsletter for Non-Typical Hunter Inc. Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Les Davenport.
- Derr, Aaron, Boys’ Life, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038. (H) 972-567-9934, (W) 972-580-2354, (F) 972-580-2079, aaron.derr@scouting.org. Senior writer, Boys’ Life magazine for past five years. Derr covers a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, camping, backpacking, boating, shooting, etc. Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Scott Daniels.
- Gilbert, Randall L., 4027 A Graywood South, Geneseo, NY 14454. (H) 585-346-7334, (W) 518-332-2825, buckhunterpublishing@live.com. Author of three books on white-tailed deer, “The A-Z Guide to White-Tailed Deer and Deer Hunting” (2003), “Whitetail Woods: A Deer Hunter’s Quest” (2008) and “The Definitive White-Tailed Deer Book” (to be published March 2009). Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Ed Noonan.
- Kelm, Jeff, 1713 Broadway Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081. (H) 920-627-3312, hardwaterjeff@gmail.com. Editor, “Outdoors Radio with Dan Small.” Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Dan Small.
- Montgomery, Doug, P.O. Box 92, Morse, SK S0H 3C0. (H) 306-629-3752, hunterland@sasktel.net. Spent 10 years in the high Arctic. Montgomery is a hunting outfitter, holds a commercial pilot’s license, and currently farms and outfits. His career goal is to become a skilled professional writer. Applying for Student Membership; sponsored by Roger Brunt.
- Newhouse, Ryan, 2100 S. Fourth St. W., Missoula, MT 59801. (H) 406-546-5280, (W) 406-829-0432, ryan_newhouse@hotmail.com. Outreach specialist for REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.). Writes features and briefs for the National Wildlife Federation. Recently served as the vice president and communications director for the Bike/Walk Alliance of Missoula. Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Kevin Rhoades.
- Whetten, Thomas, 9420 E. Golf Links Road, No. 233, Tucson, AZ 85730. (H) 520-296-7824, twhetten@wildlifephototour.com. For the past 10 years, Whetten had a business leading photography tours for wildlife and nature. Applying for Active Membership; sponsored by Ann Hirsch.
Reinstated Members
- Stephen Carpenteri, 890 Macland Road, Unit 3902, Dallas, GA, 30132. (H) 678-279-7912, (W) 404-509-8918, steve.carpenteri@IMOutdoors.com. Editor of four game and fish state-specific monthly titles since 1992.
Credentials Reviews
The following member(s) have successfully passed the review of their member credentials:
- Katherine McKalip
- Matthew Miller
- Mary Nickum
- Thomas Schlichter
- Lawrence Van Veghel
New Supporting Groups, Agencies and Businesses
- Untamed Sports TV, 560 Village Blvd., Suite 250, West Palm Beach, FL 33409. Contact: Julianna Garibay, vice president of marketing. (W) 631-675-9356, (F) 631-246-8209, julianna@olympusat.com, www.untamedsportstv.com. Untamed Sports TV is a new premier channel for outdoor programming that signifies four main themes of outdoor living and offers an expansive breadth of exotic adventure travel programs for daring, risk-taking viewers.
- Woods-N-Water News, 594 N. Almont Ave., P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444-1072. Contact: Tom Campbell, editor. (W) 810-724-0254, 800-387-7824, tcampbell@pageone-inc.com, www.woods-n-waternews.com. The Woods-N-Water News is a family-owned outdoor publication that has grown to be “Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication.” The Woods-N-Water News is recognized as Michigan’s largest outdoor publication, with an average page count of 160-plus pages and an estimated 100,000 readers each month. ◊