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Bob Baldwin became an avid bowhunter at 12 years old. He founded bowhuntinginfo.com in 1998. It was one of the earliest websites dedicated to archery. Baldwin’s goal is to get closer to wildlife, something bowhunting allows. He also takes photographs and video of wild game. Baldwin loves telling stories around a campfire. He is collaborating with his huntin’ buddy, Jay Ledbetter, to chronicle some of their hunting escapades through their website Bob N’ Jay Adventures. There is a kernel of truth to all their stories — some of the things that happen when hunting with good buddies just can’t be made up, but according to Baldwin, any embellishments are solely the responsibility of Ledbetter. Baldwin lives with his bride of 45 years in the state of  Michigan.
Dacia Meneguzzo was born and raised in upper Michigan’s rugged and beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula. Her love of the outdoors led her to study forestry at Michigan Technological University. A job with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service brought her to Minnesota. She earned a master’s degree in natural resources science and management at the University of Minnesota where she is currently a doctoral candidate in the same program. While working as a research forester with the U.S. Forest Service, she created presentations and wrote a variety of reports, papers and scientific journal articles on forestry-related research and natural resource issues. She is an avid bowhunter and spends most of her vacation time hanging out in a tree. Her love of outdoor adventures, photography and writing prompted her to create www.daciaadventuress.com where she shares photos and blogs about her outdoor experiences.
Bobby Whitescarver is a watershed restoration scientist, farmer, award-winning writer and educator. He retired from the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service with 31 years of field experience. He and his wife run a commercial cow calf operation in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with 120 brood cows. He is president of Whitescarver Natural Resources Management LLC, an environmental consulting firm, and is under contract with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Bay Journal News Service. He teaches natural resource management at James Madison University and is a freelance writer. He has written for Virginia Wildlife Magazine, the Bay Journal and several newspapers throughout the country. He has a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from Virginia Tech and a master’s degree from James Madison University in public administration. In 2002, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation chose him as the Conservationist of the Year. He can be reached through his website at http://www.gettingmoreontheground.com. ♦
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