Staying relevant in the digital age

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One of the challenges of writing a column for Outdoors Unlimited is the lag time between writing it and getting it to you. I am writing this in April for the June/July issue. Makes it tough to be timely or respond to events that happen between those months.
As OWAA’s executive director I feel strongly about staying in touch with our members and supporters. Hearing from you helps make OWAA stronger. But it is a two-way street. You need to hear from us.
We at headquarters work hard to keep you informed about the many things that are going on at OWAA; we use mail, our website, email, Outdoor Unlimited and OU Online. We also use social networking platforms like Facebook (OWAAOnline), Twitter (@OWAAonline and @OWAATom) and LinkedIn (Outdoor Writers Association of America).
At the end of March we started a new communications outlet called the Executive Director’s Blog. Its purpose is to share things about OWAA that will promote more interaction with OWAA’s members and supporters. It is intended to serve as a sounding board, billboard and forum for ideas. It will be a place to share observations and news in a timelier manner. It is intentionally not password protected so those who are interested in OWAA have a chance to learn
more about us.
Your team at headquarters is committing more time to our social network platforms and is looking at ways to make them more informative, engaging and useful. Social networks, while sometimes insipid and occasionally off-putting, are sources of good information, interesting ideas and opportunities to share in a community of thought. If you use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn please let us know so we can add you into the OWAA network.
Our conference in May showed us how outdoor communicators, the outdoor industry and conservation organizations play an essential role in the well-being of our country. Our outdoor recreation heritage lead to a vibrant outdoor recreation industry, an appreciation for responsible management of our fish, game and the places they live and prosper, and for conserving those places we go to just be outside.
As communicators we have the opportunity to share that story with the American people. To help them see, hear, smell, taste and appreciate what the outdoors is about. We are at the nexus of content and craftsmanship. OWAA is committed to connecting both with all the tools at our disposal. Thank you for being a part of that work. ♦
— OWAA Executive Director Tom Sadler,

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