Longtime OWAA member Spencer Turner of Columbia, Missouri, died of pancreatic cancer Aug. 26. He was 76.
Turner joined OWAA in 1983. He served on its board of directors and won the Outstanding Board Member Award in 1995. He became president of OWAA in 2005 and received the Ham Brown Award in 2014.
Turner attended OWAA’s annual conference July 16-18, in Billings, Montana, this summer. His friend and fellow OWAA member Jim Low said attending this conference was important to Turner. It gave him a chance to say goodbye to friends and afterward he went fishing and caught his last trout.
To learn more about Turner, his career with the Missouri Department of Conservation and his dedication to OWAA, read the profile Low wrote about his friend and colleague for Outdoors Unlimited at https://owaa.org/owaa-legends/spencer-e-turner-iron-man-in-chest-waders/. You can also read a tribute to Turner written by Joel Vance at https://owaa.org/blog/2016/09/guest-post-joel-vance-spence-turner/. ♦
In memoriam: Spencer Turner Dec. 10, 1939 — Aug. 26, 2016