Kevin Rhoades resigns as executive director

Dear Members,
I’d like to thank you for the last 11 years, for allowing me to serve OWAA first as your newsletter editor, and subsequently as your executive director.
With no regrets I submit my resignation as executive director of OWAA.
I’ve informed OWAA’s Executive Committee that I’d like to wrap things up in 60 days. Should the board of directors want me to continue on a little longer, to ensure a smooth transition, I’d be happy to do so.
I have not applied for another position, nor been offered one. In fact, I don’t have much of my future figured out just yet, but my aspiration is to remain in the outdoor-communications field, at least in part, as many of our members’ work and lifestyles are an inspiration for me.
I can’t begin to express how meaningful it’s been to work alongside a variety of OWAA staff over the years – how rewarding it’s been to work with so many officers, directors, counsels and committee volunteers for such a long time.
I now count many of you as the very best of friends.
The last 11 years have been among the finest, most rewarding and memorable of my life. Andrea and I can’t thank you enough.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Rhoades
OWAA Executive Director


13 thoughts on “Kevin Rhoades resigns as executive director”

  1. Kevin! You’ll be missed … but I wish you and your family ALL THE BEST. Please stay in touch. You have been a big part of my success over the past decade, and I cannot thank you enough. God bless you my friend 🙂

  2. Thanks for everything you’ve done for OWAA and helping me to advance my career, Kevin. Would NOT be where I am today without your help and suggestions. Good luck on the next path and we’ll see you on the river sometime soon I’m sure.

  3. Kevin,
    Your decision means OWAA has lost a dedicated, devoted and hard-working executive director. I wish you nothing but the best, and offer any help I might be able to give in your future endeavors. You steered OWAA through some of the most turbulent waters we’ve ever experienced and, without your leadership I honestly don’t know where the organization would be. I know we’d not be back to where we are.
    Best of luck my friend in whatever path life takes you…
    Tim Christie

  4. Kevin:
    Your resignation certainly comes as an unfortunate surprise. Your resignation also leaves a lot of questions between the lines. As much as we all respect and honor your decision and wish you nothing but best wishes and God’s speed for you and your family, most of us will always have
    that lingering question hidden between those lines. I’m sure we all assume some sort of unrest, but just not why? As members, perhaps we deserve to hear from the President and the BOD? AB

  5. Kevin – I wish you, as many of your friends do, success and happiness in whatever your next endeavor turns out to be. Thanks for all you’ve done, and you’re certainly leaving some “big shoes” to be filled.
    Your old friend in NY,

  6. Dear Kevin:
    OWAA will be hard-pressed to find another executive director to fill your shoes. Your hard work, foresight, creativity and commitment to our organization helped OWAA reinvent itself during a period of extreme economic and social stress. In OWAA’s 83-year history only a handfull of people have been asked or given as much as you have to ensure our group’s future.
    I urge every member to thank Kevin personally for his tireless work on our behalf and to offer him the same help he has extended to so many of us when we needed counsel and encouragement.
    Andrea and your boys will surely be glad to see more of you around the house, and I rejoice with all of you for that. I will miss having you at Headquarters when I call, but I also know our Robin Ashley, Margo, Amanda and Paul will step up to get us through the transition and continue to serve OWAA ably under a new director.
    Godspeed, my friend.
    Jim Low

  7. Peter Schroeder

    It has been a pleasure working with you over the years as well as getting to know you and your family. You have served OWAA well and brought the organization through some difficult times. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and I look forward to staying in touch.

  8. Kevin, Dave and I are sad to see you leave as ex. director. We hope to see you at OWAA conferences in the future. Sending you and your family best wishes.
    Dave and Kay Richey
    P.S. Pick something less stressful to do in the future!!

  9. Hi Kevin
    Just read of your resignation. Stunning – that you’re leaving and that you’ve been exec. dir. for 11 years. Wow. You led OWAA through some bountiful and trying years, and you did so with professionalism, personality, and optimism.
    Noted you have no particular direction once leaving. Wherever you’re headed, I wish you the best, knowing whatever you do will be done well.
    Perhaps now you can up the elk count (?)………
    Best always……
    Will Elliott

  10. Ben Hobbins / IronClads

    Kevin’s leadership will be sorely missed, not to mention heart-felt enthusism and committment he shared with everyone, and as a Corporate Member, his interaction was always professional and straightforward.
    Good luck Kevin in all you do in the future. Please stay in touch via the network of writers and supporters…I am sure you and Andrea do!
    Best regards and sincerely yours,
    Ben Hobbins
    CEO, IronClads-Lake Resources Group
    Popular Science Top 10 Inventor

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