Google launches site with video clips of tech tips

By Ashley Schroeder
Google just launched a site for teaching tech. While it is set up as a tool for children who want to teach their parents certain tasks, it is certainly applicable to anyone who isn’t so tech savvy.
Below are a few videos from the site.

  • How to view live graffic
  • How to upgrade your browser
  • How to make text bigger (or smaller)
  • How to share a big file
  • How to take a screenshot
  • and more!

To send videos, or brush up on your own tech skills, visit

How to view live traffic

Going somewhere for the holidays? Or just trying to get to work on time?

How to upgrade your browser

How to make text bigger (or smaller)

How to share a big file

How to take a screenshot

Remember to visit for more videos like these! ◊
Ashley Schroeder is OWAA’s Publications Editor. Contact her at

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