Did you know?


In the palm of your hand

Are you away from home and want to read OU Online but don’t have a computer? Well, if you have a BlackBerry or a similar smart phone, you’re in luck.

Shortly after OWAA launched the Web site, I opened the Web browser on my BlackBerry Pearl and was pleasantly surprised to see a readable version of OU! OWAA’s blog-style site lends perfectly to this format. I scrolled down each column, starting with the latest news, where I clicked on a headline to read the story in full. I even listened to Wade Bourne’s audio piece and could peruse the latest Outdoor Market postings.

A rose by any other name …

Do you want to leave a comment, but don’t want everyone to know you as “CatLuver” or “OutdoorMan72?” Well, if you to go to your Profile after logging in to OU Online, you can edit how your name is displayed.

It’s easy:

Log in and then click “Profile.”

(Click on images to enlarge)


Scroll down until you see the option “Display name publicly as” and click the drop-down menu to choose how you want other people to know you.


And if you would prefer to just be “CatLuver,” well, that’s fine by us.

♦ Grava-what?


If you’ve commented on a story, or read others’ comments, you have probably noticed that blue icon next each comment.

It’s the logo for Gravatar, or Globally Recognized Avatar. Basically, you can have any image you choose displayed next to your name, whether you comment on our site or any other site built through WordPress or similar blogging software.

This is easy to do, too.

Go to www.gravatar.com. All you need to do is click the “Sign up” link and enter your e-mail address. That’s it.

You will then receive a confirmation e-mail including a link that will activate your account and allow you to set your password. From there you upload your picture. And voila! Your comments on OU are now personalized! ◊

schroeder Ashley Schroeder, OWAA’s journalism intern for the autumn 2008 semester, was hired Jan. 2 as OWAA’s executive assistant. Among other duties, she is responsible for development and implementation of Outdoors Unlimited Online. You can reach her at webmaster@owaa.org.


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