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Travel Wild Wisconsin

By Candice Gaukel Andrews
University of Wisconsin Press, 1930 Monroe St., Madison, WI 53711-2059; 608-263-0734,,; paperback, 260 pp., 42 photos, seven maps; $24.95.
Spy on the spring courtship dance of the greater prairie chicken, watch ancient sturgeon roil the waters of one of the largest inland lakes in the United States, and thrill to the sound of thousands of tundra swans as they migrate through the Mississippi Flyway just before the first snow falls. Travel Wild Wisconsin is your seasonal guide to genuine wildlife encounters in Wisconsin’s most beautiful natural settings. Candice Andrews shares natural history and lore, personal experiences, and insights from biologists, environmental educators, and citizen scientists, so that you can seek a wildlife encounter of your own.

What the Dogs Taught Me: Observations and Suggestions That Will Make You a Better Hunter, Shooter, and Dog Owner

By Scott Linden
Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36th St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018; contact Oleg Lyubner, 212-643-6816, ext. 229,,; hardcover and e-book, 188 pp.; $22.95.
If you hunt for pheasants, grouse or other upland birds, forming a partnership with your dog can be a daunting challenge. A thorough guide to maximizing your hunt and minimizing the challenges, What the Dogs Taught Me shares tips on dog training, bird behavior, hunting strategies, dog care and hunt preparation. Scott Linden’s style is both insightful and funny in helping you to advance your bird hunting skills with more creativity and less stress.


By V. Paul Reynolds
Islandport Press, P.O. Box 10, Yarmouth, ME 04096; 207-846-3344,,; softcover and e-book, 264 pp.; $16.95.
An avid outdoorsman and award-winning journalist, V. Paul Reynolds began a lifelong love affair with the outdoors alongside his father, Harvard Reynolds, beginning in the late 1940s. Backtrack takes readers down the decades-long path of Reynolds’ outdoor adventures, from remote Maine trout ponds to Rocky Mountain elk hunts. Throughout these experiences, the eloquent Reynolds conveys just how the outdoors can bestow both a love of nature and the joy of  friendship.

Today’s Deer Hunting Handbook: The Complete Illustrated Guide for New and Experienced Hunters

By Robert Amendola
Acclaim Press, P.O. Box 238, Morley, MO 63767; 573-472-9800,,; softcover, 288 pp., 10 photos; $19.95.
Raised in the South Bronx, Bob Amendola developed his interest in outdoor pursuits through his father. He spent years honing his hunting knowledge and skills, eventually sharing that knowledge through hunting seminars and archery  exhibitions. This book is carefully designed to read straight through or skip directly to a subject of interest. Within its pages, you will discover how to consistently locate white-tailed deer, track their feeding, bedding and traveling routes, and understand what it really takes to become a superior hunter.

Ramblin’ Outdoors: A Favorite Selection of Wildlife Stories from the Woods and Waters

By Robert A. Fala
McClain Printing Company,; paperback, 186 pp., 100 photos; $19.95.
Bob Fala presents a collection of 39 varying accounts from the wilds of “almost heaven” West Virginia, Pennsylvania and beyond. With 100 full-color photographs, outdoors enthusiasts will all enjoy its easy reading, coffee-table style. The diversity of unique stories included ranges from amusing black bear encounters to gruesome horn-locking deer battles, with tales of wild turkeys, smallmouth bass, grouse and an albino porcupine thrown in for good measure.

Book 6 of Great Michigan Deer Tales

By Richard P. Smith
Smith Publications,; softcover, 122 pp., (also available as e-book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble); $16.50.
The latest book in this series is another collection of true short stories about the largest bucks bagged by Michigan hunters. Each story is based on interviews with the hunters, who share the how, where and when behind their special
whitetail hunts. Deer hunters will enjoy this book and others in the series for their entertainment value as well as for the hunting lessons they convey.

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