Bass Pro Shops renewed its annual sponsorship of National Hunting and Fishing Day, set for Sept. 25 this year. Congress formalized the annual commemoration of hunters, anglers and conservationists in 1972 and every U.S. president since has recognized the day as a reminder that conservation in America succeeds thanks to funding and leadership from hunters and anglers.
Sponsorship from Bass Pro Shops will help the Wonders of Wildlife museum in Springfield, Mo., with educational and outreach campaigns to help build citizen understanding and appreciation of hunting and fishing. Bass Pro Shops Communications Manager Larry Whiteley said the hope is to get more people involved in the outdoors.
Wonders of Wildlife’s Denise Wagner said that the development of PSAs, games and activities and other promotions around National Hunting and Fishing Day are in the works. “We couldn’t proceed without sponsors and Bass Pro Shops has been with us for many years now. We’re grateful for their continuing sponsorship,” said Wagner in a press release.
The growing list of National Hunting and Fishing Day sponsors also includes National Shooting Sports Foundation, Smith & Wesson, Sportsman Channel Inc., Izaak Walton League of America, Realtree, Cabela’s,, Yamaha and Pope and Young Club. For more about National Hunting and Fishing Day, visit Visit Bass Pro Shops at
Bass Pro Shops sponsors National Hunting and Fishing Day