Success requires some creativity

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Looking for advice on things creative? Visit, where there’s a place to sign up for a free newsletter. The author is one of those creative people who always has ideas you can use. You’ll receive regular updates from the Creative Freelancer Blog & Conference and you can download Ilise Benun’s “Working Collaboratively” article from the March issue of HOW Magazine.
Where has all the business gone? Anyone who relies on freelance assignments from magazines and newspapers can tell you. These media have either folded or rely on staff writers. This means no income, no matter how good you are.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities. I’ve noticed more opportunities are found in regional media outlets than the national ones. And more and more, the Internet presents the best opportunities for creative writers. OWAA members are a creative, resilient bunch who will find a way through this financial mess.
New membership categories were announced in late August. Why? OWAA needs to bring in new members and to remain at the forefront of the outdoor communications industry.
At its summer board meeting, the Board of Directors voted to establish membership criteria for Digital Media Journalists. They also updated membership criteria for three options: Lecturers; Book Authors; and Website Content Director, Writer, Editor, Photographer, Artist or Designer.
The board currently has the ability to make changes in membership criteria and, if approved by a two-thirds board majority, such changes are effective immediately, unless overruled by the membership by vote. Changes to the criteria will be put before the membership for a final vote in conjunction with the Board election in May 2012.
Digital Media Journalist (engaged in producing blog/vlog or other online-only content creation) – To qualify under this category, applicants must show proof of at least 500 average unique views per month over a 12-month period and meet three of four of the following qualifications: 1) Maintain a digital media site on outdoor-related activities in any format that allows response feedback for a minimum of one year; 2) Proof of income from communicating about outdoor-related subjects; 3) Average at least two editorial postings per month over a 12-month period; redistribution of press releases does not qualify; 4) Must reveal source for all outside support contributing to content of postings.
Lecturer criteria will be revised as follows: Submit itinerary including dates and estimated attendance of 18 compensated appearances in the past 12 months. Include samples of brochures, newspaper clips or other promotional materials and/or website addresses.
Book Author, Editor, Designer or Publisher criteria will be revised as follows: Submit one sample copy of income-producing book produced in the past 36 months, including proof that the book is still being published and marketed. A signed publishing contract for a book in progress counts as a published book. Works requiring unusual effort will be given additional consideration. Several booklets may be substituted for a single book, but promotional booklets for commercial enterprises are not acceptable. Multi-authorship will be equally prorated among all authors.
Website Content Director, Writer, Editor, Photographer, Artist or Designer criteria will be revised as follows: Submit 24 URLs of website content or design work published and compensated in the past 12 months, including web features or web pages developed. Web editors should submit supporting pages demonstrating regular content updates. The same piece appearing on multiple websites counts as one submission. ♦
— OWAA President Mike Walker,

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