Pheasants Forever Applauds South Dakota Governor Daugaard for Announcing Pheasant Habitat Summit

Pierre, S.D. – October 15 – Pheasants Forever (PF) applauds South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard for announcing the creation of a “Pheasant Habitat Summit.” The summit will include panel discussions and public input as a means of exploring ways to maintain and enhance pheasant habitat in the state. The event is scheduled for Friday, December 6, at the Crossroads Convention Center in Huron.
“We thank Governor Dauggard for his foresight and leadership in recognizing the importance of pheasants to the great state of South Dakota,” said Howard K. Vincent, Pheasants Forever President and CEO.  “Bringing together all stakeholders directly involved and affected by the population of South Dakota’s ring-necked pheasants shows that Governor Dauggard is not just concerned about the South Dakota of today, but the South Dakota of tomorrow.”
The Governor’s Pheasant Habitat Summit will also provide a forum for landowners, sportsmen, members of the tourism industry and other interested individuals to learn about the current state of pheasant habitat in South Dakota. Vincent added,  “We encourage all 34 Pheasants Forever chapters across the state to make plans to attend this important discussion.”
“Pheasant hunting is extremely important to the culture and economic well-being of South Dakota,” Governor Daugaard said in a recent press release.  “South Dakota’s pheasant hunting experience is second to none and draws hunters from around the world. We want to do what we can now to ensure these opportunities for future generations.”
Pheasants are big business in South Dakota. In fact, the South Dakota Department of Tourism estimates pheasant hunting generates $223 million in retail economic impact annually and an additional $111 million in salaries annually. Additionally, the state estimates there are 4,500 jobs linked directly to the pheasant hunting industry and related tourism.
“South Dakota’s pheasant population has fallen from a modern historic high in just a few years as a result of unfavorable weather and habitat loss,”  said Dave Nomsen, Pheasants Forever Vice President of Governmental Affairs, “We realize weather played a role in the state’s pheasant decline, but habitat is the variable we can focus on to turn things around. Given the prolific nature of these birds, a rebound in equal short order is possible, provided new and improved habitat is added.”
The Governor’s Pheasant Summit is open to the public and pre-registration is required. Individuals may register online at Information and registration is also available by calling the Game, Fish and Parks Department at 605-773-3387.
For more information about Pheasants Forever, please contact Dave Nomsen at (320) 491-9163. For all other questions regarding Pheasants Forever in South Dakota, please contact Mike Stephenson, Pheasants Forever South Dakota regional representative, at (605) 651-2716.
Pheasants Forever, including its quail conservation division, Quail Forever, is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to upland habitat conservation. Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever have more than 135,000 members and 745 local chapters across the United States and Canada. Chapters are empowered to determine how 100 percent of their locally raised conservation funds are spent, the only national conservation organization that operates through this truly grassroots structure.

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