New Year, New Editor

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By the time you are reading this it will almost be time to start a new year. The new year is a time of fresh starts and beginnings, so it’s fitting my first issue as editor of Outdoors Unlimited will take you out of 2013 and into 2014.

I’ll be spending the start of my new year immersing myself into OWAA, learning about its mission and history and how to put out a publication that is relevant to members. As a working outdoor journalist myself, I’ve already benefited  from being a part of the organization by putting together this issue of OU. Mary Linkevich’s craft improvement article on social media reminded me to think beyond the obvious Facebook and Twitter and consider how other outlets can help me find, pitch and report more effectively. Since first reading Tim Flanigan’s article on an easy tip to improve your wildlife photography, the images I take with my point and shoot camera have already improved.

Putting together the portfolio for this issue exhibits not only what talented photographers we have in the organization, but also the enthusiasm and appreciation members have for being outside. I understand why people are already  gearing up and talking about our next conference in May. You’ll find dates to pencil into your calendar if you are already planning on attending, and if you haven’t yet committed to coming to conference you’ll read about why you should. One of those enticements is our keynote speaker Andrew Samson, a leading Texas conservationist.

I’m excited to be a part of an organization where so many people share my two passions — journalism and the outdoors. I grew up in Montana and have always loved being outside, hiking, biking, shooting and climbing. I attended the University of Missouri to study journalism with a focus on outdoor reporting. It was in college when I first heard about OWAA thanks to several members of the Missouri Outdoor Communicators. I’ve spent most of the past decade in Wyoming at newspapers. Most recently I’ve worked as a freelancer, specializing in outdoor and environmental reporting. I’m always looking for a reason to go skiing and call it work. And I’ll be still trying to get away with that — when I’m not putting together Outdoors Unlimited.

It’s a new year, new beginnings, but some things never change.♦

—Publications Editor Kelsey Dayton,


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