OWAA publishes new resource guides; writing workshop announced

By Kevin Rhoades, Executive Director
It’s finally complete.
The much-promised Freelancers Guide to Business Practices is hot off the press and is available for distribution.
Thanks to project manager Tom Huggler, editor Kay Ellerhoff and author Bill Powell for their substantial contributions to this project. Many thanks, too, to the scores of OWAA members for their input, editing and updates, and for fresh pieces accompanying this much-needed resource, first published 16 years ago and then titled Business Guidelines Handbook. All contributors are acknowledged in the front of the Freelancers Guide.
cover-freelancers-guideWhether you’re an outdoors writer, a public-relations representative who works with the outdoors media, or a government official who publishes outdoors reports and magazines, you’ll benefit by owning a copy.
The Freelancers Guide covers business practices such as setting income goals, how to get paid, managing time, rights purchased, and includes OWAA’s Business Conduct Guidelines. The guidebook also covers specialized business practices for magazine writers, newspaper columnists, photographers, artists and broadcasters.
Because technological advances are rapidly changing the way we communicate, members are encouraged to copy sections or articles in the Freelancers Guide that beg updating, add what is needed, and send to headquarters for review and possible implementation in the next revision; our intent is to update this “living document” at least annually, if not more often.
Part three of the Freelancers Guide covers legal issues, copyright basics, how to structure your business as a freelancer, defamation, privacy rights, protections for electronic communications, contracts and how to use litigation to resolve freelancer-publisher business disputes. This section was penned by OWAA’s Legal Counsel Bill Powell.
The brand-new legal issues material in part three has been excerpted as a stand-alone publication titled Legal Handbook for Freelancers, for those who want a separate copy.
For those of you who will sign contracts, or if you ever have a question about copyright or wonder whether you should use the Small Claims process to collect on a few hundred dollars owed by a no-pay publisher – it’s all in Powell’s 64-page Legal Handbook.
The excerpted Legal Handbook for Freelancers, as a stand-alone publication, goes for $15 for members and $18 for nonmembers.
OWAA members can purchase copies of the comprehensive Freelancers Guide to Business Practices for $19, nonmembers for $24.
Prices include shipping and handling, and both publications can be purchased via OWAA’s online store at http://shop.owaa.org.
Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor communicator or an apprentice, advice offered by our members in the aforementioned publications will payoff enormously in terms of saved time, saved agony and increased dollars assuming you thoroughly study tips provided by many who have graciously shared their trade secrets.

In other news…

The Writing Workshop Committee has been busy planning OWAA’s first-ever Goldenrod Writing Workshop.
Lisa-Densmore-butterfly-goldenrodAccording to committee co-chairs Lisa Densmore and Pat Stockdill and project coordinator Joel Vance, the Goldenrod Workshop will be a seven-day-long opportunity to better your writing skills in a casual setting with hands-on learning and with a peer group of writers and instructors.
There will be writing assignments, discussions, readings and shared critiques. There will be time for writing and socializing with others who share your passion for writing.
The first-annual Golden Workshop will be held August 1-7, 2010, at The University of Montana in Missoula, Mont.
Anyone interested in enhancing their writing skills is invited to register and attend. Curriculum and registration information, faculty members, guest speakers, course fees along with a long list of recreational opportunities around Missoula – all this available at www.owaa.org/goldenrod-writing-workshop. ◊


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