New feature: OU Editor's Blog

Searching the Web so you don’t have to.

Ashley Schroeder, OU Editor, here.
Welcome to my new blog!
With this new feature, I plan to provide additional content to OWAA members by linking to relevant articles found elsewhere on the Web. More business tips. More technology advice. More information to help you, the members, succeed professionally and make more money. (And maybe save some money, too!)

In the news…

Apple unveils its new tablet today. I hope the device holds its own against all the hype leading up to its debut.
Newsweek blogger Nick Summers posted an interesting piece yesterday about the Apple tablet.
While the whole blog entry is worth reading, this part about the print (newspaper and magazine) industry caught my eye:

“News publishers screwed up en masse over the last decade by giving away their product for free online, and the Apple tablet represents a chance to put the genie back in the bottle, The New York Times reports today, citing interviews with people who have seen the device. Consumers have demonstrated a willingness to pay for stuff on mobile devices, from ringtones to text messages to tracks downloaded over the air from the iTunes store. That digital storefront has become familiar enough–and has so many credit-card numbers on file–that newspapers and magazines will finally be able to charge readers for polished, interactive editions of their product.”

Only time will tell whether this prediction comes true. In the meantime, read about the tablet’s possible effects on print (books), television, movies, music and gaming industries in Summers’ full post.
And don’t forget to check back soon for more information about the latest gadget to join the Apple family. ◊

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