Nebraska Game and Parks accepting 2014 trail grant applications

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is accepting recreational trail grant applications for fiscal year 2014 funding.
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is a grant program through the Federal Highway Administration that reimburses political subdivisions such as communities, counties and natural resources districts up to 80 percent of project costs for trail acquisition, development, renovation and support facilities. Applicants must have the financial means to undertake and maintain the project and all funding should be on hand.
This funding source is divided by category: motorized trails (30 percent of funding used for these projects), nonmotorized trails (30 percent) and diversified or shared-use trails (40 percent).
The application may be downloaded at or contact Michelle Stryker at 402-471-5425 or for an application packet. Applications should be submitted to Game and Parks or be postmarked by Sept. 6, 2013.
Media Contact: Jerry Kane (402) 471-5008 or

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