It’s time to apply for the John Madson Fellowship, an annual grant that funds continuing education opportunities for OWAA members. The John Madson Fellowship provides funding to attend the OWAA annual conference for free, plus expenses or OWAA’s first-ever Goldenrod Writing Workshop or other educational opportunities.
Members must apply and compete for funding. Active and associate members are eligible. The last Fellowship distribution awarded two OWAA members more than $1,000 each to continue their education!
The Fellowship is funded through the John Madson Fellowship Fund, an endowment that thrives primarily through OWAA member contributions and fundraising efforts. Its goal is to enhance professional communication skills for OWAA members. Learn more about the fellowship at
The program is designed to honor the legacy of John Madson, one of OWAA’s most talented, respected and honored legends.
Get the full details and application form (be sure to use the members-only password).
The deadline to apply is February 1, 2010. ◊