Great Lakes Restoration Initiative project completed at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

Ducks Unlimited and its partners recently celebrated the completion of the first-ever Great Lakes Restoration Initiative habitat conservation project, which restored 141 acres of wetlands in the Flint River floodplain at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge. The project was made possible by a $99,750 grant awarded to DU through Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, a federal program designed to target the most significant problems in the Great Lakes ecosystem, including habitat conservation, invasive aquatic species, non-point source pollution and contaminated sediment.
“We talk about it all of the time, but wetlands really are incredibly beneficial habitats,” said Gildo Tori, Ducks Unlimited director of public policy. “Besides the support for wildlife, this project will provide flood control and filter water that goes into Saginaw Bay, and the restoration itself provided jobs for local contractors. It’s a real win-win.”
The Flats include a diverse mix of natural and managed wetlands that historically have been a critical waterfowl and waterbird stopover area in the Great Lakes region. The Flats provide many additional ecological and societal benefits, including habitat for other wetland-dependent fish and wildlife, flood control and abatement, water quality improvement and areas for outdoor recreation and education. For more information, visit

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