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This is the most important issue of OU we create each year. It might not be the most glamorous, or even the most interesting, but it’s the issue in which every member can easily help direct the organization’s future. This is the issue with the profiles of the candidates willing to serve on our Board of Directors.
Everything about OWAA is guided by direction from our board. It approves our budget. It initiates fundraising campaigns that keep us afloat and allows us to offer educational opportunities to current and future outdoor communicators. It evaluates our membership and steers the organization in ways to best serve it in an ever changing industry.
Serving on our Board of Directors is a huge responsibility, but we hope, also an honor. Our board members, and even our board candidates, are among the most dedicated in the organization and at the top in their fields. As Kris Millgate points out in her column on serving on the board on page 10, the names that comprise our board are familiar ones. You’ve likely seen their bylines in this magazine and also national publications.
You can learn more about the candidates starting on page 11 where they outline their leadership experiences and visions for the organization. We know you care enough about the organization to pay dues to be a part of it, so we hope you take the time to pick those you think will lead it in a direction that continues to make your membership worth the cost.
With the election underway, our next president, Brett Prettyman, will start thinking about committees for his term. Serving on these committees is a great foray into getting involved with OWAA. It also provides an opportunity for you to steer the organization towards giving you what you want and need out of it.
Is there a new skill you’d like to learn?
Our craft improvement committee helps solicit the articles you read every month in this magazine. Serve on it to suggest article topics that will help you in your work. Our member services committee brainstorms new benefits, like the webinars we’ve recently started hosting, to offer the membership. Serving on this committee offers a great place to make suggestions for membership benefits you’d like receive.
Want to influence the future of the organization, but you aren’t quite ready to jump into serving on the Board of Directors? Our board nominating committee recruits the candidates who run for our board.
We know the breadth of our members’ talents and we are always looking to tap it. Please consider offering to serve on a committee, whether you are a data junkie, or a creative type, we can use you. Contact Prettyman at brettoutdoors@yahoo.com.
Also, don’t forget conference is just around the corner. Instead of pitching you on why you should go, I’m simply going to refer you to Tim Christie’s portfolio on pages 16- 18. All of these pictures were taken in the Billings, Montana, area, where we’re holding conference this July, or in nearby Yellowstone National Park. We hope to see you there. ♦
—Editor Kelsey Dayton, editor@owaa.org