January 7, 2020
OWAA members have until midnight Friday (Eastern) to submit entries in the annual Excellence In Craft Contest before having to pay a late fee.
The current entry fee is $10 for online submissions, $20 for mail-in entries. Beginning Jan. 11 and through the final deadline of Jan. 31, 2020, the fees increase to $15 for each online entry and to $25 for each mail-in entry.
EIC is open to all OWAA members and will reward first-, second- and third-place winners in 10 media categories: Blog, Book, Column, Graphic/Illustration, Magazine/E-zine, Newspaper/News Website, Photography, Photo Essay, Radio/Podcast, and TV/Video/Webcast. (The Book Contest closed Dec. 2.)
Award winners will be announced at the OWAA annual conference June 27-29, 2020, at Jay Peak Resort in Vermont.
Members are required to pay their 2020 dues before submitting entries.
OWAA is partnering with Submittable, a Montana company specializing in contest management, to collect EIC online entries. Submittable’s platform offers several format options in most categories. For instance, TV/Video/Webcast can be submitted as a link or as MP4, MOV and other file formats. Radio/Podcast allows for MP3, WAV, etc.
To begin submitting entries, go to https://owaa.submittable.com or click here to create a FREE Submittable account, which allows you access to EIC entry forms for each contest.
Each contest – Blog, Column, Graphic/Illustration, Magazine/E-zine, Newspaper/News Website, Photography, Photo Essay, Radio/Podcast, and TV/Video/Webcast – has its own entry form.
Email support@submittable.com or info@owaa.org if you have problems setting up your account or using the entry forms.
Mail-in entries must be sent to OWAA EIC Contest, 21565 Nine Mile Road, Huson, MT, 59846 and postmarked Jan. 10, 2020 to avoid the late fee.