A blind adventurer who has summited the highest mountains on each of the seven continents is the keynote speaker for Central Wyoming College’s first Wind River Outdoor Writers Conference at the CWC Sinks Canyon Center, five miles south of Lander, Wyo., Aug. 24 to 25.
“Erik Weihenmayer, a world-class athlete and climber, brings unique power to the conference as the keynote speaker,” organizer and CWC English faculty member Buck Tilton said. Weihenmayer is the author of “Touch the Top of the World” and was honored as the Outdoor Industry Association’s 2011 Inspirational Person of the Year.
In addition to Weihenmayer, Tilton has put together an impressive panel of presenters that includes magazine writers, editors, publishers, authors and bloggers. He invites students, novice and professional writers, and teachers of writing to participate.
For more details on the conference, go to www.cwc.edu/writers, or email Tilton at btilton@cwc.edu or call 307-855-2052.