Nebraska commission to consider waterfowl and mountain lion changes

LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider creating the state’s inaugural mountain lion hunting season when it meets July 26 at Game and Parks headquarters, 2200 N. 33rd St. in Lincoln. The commissioners will also consider staff recommendations for 2013 waterfowl, crow and falconry seasons at the 8 a.m. meeting. The public is invited to provide their feedback at the meeting or to submit them in advance via email to
In addition, the commissioners will consider:

  •  a recommendation to allow restricted hunting in several state park areas.
  •  an interlocal agreement with the City of Gothenburg to rehabilitate Lake Helen.
  •  a flood protection levee easement for the Peru Dike and Drainage District No. 1 of Nemaha County to build, maintain and operate a levee by accessing Peru Bottoms Wildlife Management Area (WMA).
  •  acquisition of 461 acres of land in Cherry County to be designated as Chat Canyon WMA.

Gov. Dave Heineman will make an appearance and draw the winning entry in the Nebraska Super Tag Lottery. More than 2,000 people paid $25 to enter the lottery for the four-species (deer, elk, antelope and turkey) hunting permit.
The most recent staff recommendations for the mountain lion and waterfowl, crow and falconry seasons can be found on the Nebraska Game and Parks’ website.
Mountain lion recommendations and summary:
Waterfowl, crow and falconry recommendations and summary:
July 26 meeting agenda:
MEDIA CONTACT: Pat Engelhard (402) 471-5489 or

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