Minutes: Business meeting

Related links: Minutes for the June 12 board meeting and June 17 board meeting.

OWAA Business Meeting • June 17, 2009

Amway Grand Hotel • Grand Rapids, Michigan

Opening Proceedings
President Phil Bloom called the meeting to order at 8:53 a.m.
Bloom announced the presence of a quorum.
Moved John McCoy/Ed Moody to approve the minutes of the preceding membership meeting. Motion carries.
President’s Report — Bloom reported the actions of the Board of Directors over the preceding year. He said the board had approved taking steps to OWAA’s headquarters condominium; that the Board had approved Snowbird as the site of the 2011 Annual Conference; that the transition of Outdoors Unlimited had been made from a paper publication to an online electronic publication, at a savings of $2,200 a month; and that the Board had approved a revamping of OWAA’s Excellence in Craft contests.
Bloom announced new Board members Katie McKalip, Ty Stockton and Matt Miller. He also announced that Mark Taylor had been elected OWAA’s new Third Vice President.
Ratification of Board Actions — Moved Joel Vance/Rich Patterson to approve all actions of the Board since its last meeting. Motion carries.
Executive Director’s Report — Executive Director Kevin Rhoades reported on the rationale behind the move to sell OWAA’s headquarters condominium. He said the sale would eliminate steadily increasing condo fees and would allow the organization to eliminate its outstanding debt. He reported the launch of OU Online and the elimination of OU’s printed version. He reported that OWAA has applied for five grants and has received two, to the tune of approximately $10,000.
Rhoades added that HQ staff had been working on a revised business practice handbook, and that the book would be printed and ready for sale soon after the conference. He also reported that the nationwide economic downturn had had a negative effect on OWAA’s finances.
Old Business
Outdoors Unlimited — Bill Feinberg said, in his opinion and in the opinions of others, that OWAA’s move to an electronic Outdoors Unlimited had been a mistake. He acknowledged the monetary savings, but asked whether a modified print form might have been a better option. He asked the board to rethink the decision and reinstate a printed form of OU.
OWAA Headquarters — Feinberg also suggested that OWAA explore the rental market in Missoula, with the idea of finding a headquarters property that could be rented with a right of first refusal to purchase.
New Business
OWAA Finances — Feinberg suggested someone approach the management of the Amway Grand Hotel to negotiate down financial penalties for unused rooms during the Annual Conference.
Supreme Court Case — Bloom reported on OWAA’s position on the U.S. v. Stevens case. He laid out the case’s particulars and explained why the Board had decided not to participate in a “friend of the court” action suggested by other organizations.
John Hayes, a member and lawyer, agreed that a wait-and-see attitude would be prudent in regard to the case.
Feinberg added that unless OWAA could add substantially to the arguments in the Stevens case, the board was prudent to adopt the position it did.
Magazine Section — Jeff Williams announced a petition to form a magazine section.
Good of the Order
Sue Hansen thanked Kevin Rhoades for all the work he and the staff had done for OWAA during the previous year.
Moved Spence Turner/Vance to adjourn. Motion carries. The meeting concluded at 10:14 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John McCoy
OWAA Secretary ◊

Related links: Minutes for the June 12 board meeting and June 17 board meeting.


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