Getting the job done

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These columns can be tough to write. It would seem simple. One would think there should be a ton of information to put before OWAA members each month. But that’s the problem. There is a ton of info to tell you about and prioritizing it is often difficult.
But first, an apology and praise are in order.
My apologies to OWAA board members who worked tirelessly and extremely diligently this past year, but have heard little from me about their various assignments. There is a reason for this. If board members have heard little from me, it means that as far as I know they are completing their assignments as expected and probably don’t need my help (read: interference). Those who have needed my help have asked for and received it.
On that note, thanks to our membership for electing quality board members who are able to complete those assignments without my help (again, read: interference).
At OWAA, like other groups and businesses, the squeaky wheels get the oil — meaning those who cry or complain loudest seem to get our attention the most often. “Those” being projects and persons which the board and executive committee have prioritized as most necessary to ensure OWAA continues as North America’s premier outdoor media organization.
So, again, my apologies if it seems I’ve ignored you and my thanks for a job well done.
It’s official. The results of the May 6 election are in: Bruce Cochran, Mary J. Nickum and Randy Zellers were elected to serve on the OWAA Board of Directors for three-year terms. I had a chance to speak with each one to congratulate them and urge them to get involved quickly on the board, to volunteer often and to help move OWAA forward. I’m happy to report they all agreed to do those exact tasks.
The 2011 OWAA conference at Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort just outside of Salt Lake City is shaping up to be one of the best ever. I can’t urge you enough to find a way to attend.
I’m not noted for participating in pre- and post-conference trips, but there are so many good ones this year (read: ways to make money), that even I think there is probably a trip I can take to get back some of my investment in attending this conference. Don’t let these trips go unused. Sign up for the conference and take one of the trips and make yourself some money.
See you there!♦
— Tony Dolle, OWAA President

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