Outdoor media members looking for the quickest access to information about Coleman and its products now have an online newsroom through which they can download images, spec sheets and other pertinent materials. The newsroom, which recently went live, can be found at news.coleman.com.
Coleman’s online newsroom does not require registration and all materials are available for editorial use without charge.
In addition to Coleman’s extensive outdoor product offerings, the newsroom is also the place to find information on and images of products from Stearns, Sevylor and Aerobed. Product fact sheets and images are all cataloged by product name with an easy-to-use search function built into the site. All product information, and print-quality images can be downloaded from within the site.
The newsroom gives members of the outdoor media more than just an easy portal through which they can access information about product offerings from the Coleman family of brands. In addition, users of the newsroom can subscribe to updates posted to the newsroom or the newsroom’s RSS feed as well as share things within the newsroom with others. The newsroom also allows users to interact with Coleman via social media sites Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. From the newsroom, visitors can click to follow Coleman on Twitter, like the brand on Facebook or go directly to the Coleman Channel on YouTube.
Coleman launches online newsroom