Bernard Engraving Co has acquired the long-standing Beckson Marine line of Memory-Mate Log Books. With the addition of the Log Books and Manager Series of publications, Bernard continues to grow its line of boating products.
The company is also proud to announce the return of the most popular format of the log book, the MM303 22-ring, loose leaf with a two-page spread for each voyage or leg of voyage. Incredibly user-friendly, this format titles the left side of the book as Cruise and the right as Helmsman.
“We’re proud to be welcoming such a highly regarded product into the Bernard Engraving family and bringing back the format customers have loved for so long,” said Steve Anschutz of Bernard Engraving. “This new addition expands our marine market items, while fitting in nicely with our current range of products and our emphasis on marine safety.”
Designed as complete reference and maintenance logs for a vessel, Bernard’s Manager Series Books contain pages of equipment checklists, medical and first aid information, and owner and vessel details. Customs, Coast Guard and official requirement tips and know-how are also included, as well as piloting tips and procedures, inventory lists and locations within the craft, float plans for filing and information for each operating system aboard, including engine, rigging, wiring and radio.
The log books offer laminated quick reference cards for use on board and ashore. These Power Boat and Sailboat Managers are incredibly helpful if someone has to suddenly captain a boat during an emergency, for charter boats and when it comes time to sell the vessel.
Bernard Engraving’s Power Boat and Sailboat Manager Log Books have a retail price range of $14 to $32.
Bernard Engraving creates signage and identification solutions. This includes pressure-sensitive letters and numbers, small identification plates for switches, information and regulatory placards, and just plain fun plaques.
Contact Bernard Engraving, P.O. Box 320034, Fairfield, CT 06825. 800-654-2094; Fax: 203-331-1507.;
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Martin Flory Group, PO Box 360, Gurnee IL 60031
Phone: 847-662-9070; Fax: 847-336-7126;