CURRENT MEMBERS: Please click on the Renew/Change button below to renew your membership. As you renew you will see your membership information. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page where you will be prompted for your payment information and can send your renewal for approval.

FORMER MEMBERS: If you have had an active membership in OWAA within the past five years, you do not need to reapply. Please select the Renew/Change option instead to reinstate your membership.

NEW MEMBERS: If you are applying for the first time, or if your membership lapsed more than five years ago, select your appropriate membership level to start the application process. Not sure which membership level you fall into? Click here to review info about membership eligibility.  



You qualify as an Active Member of OWAA if you meet one of the following:

  1. You have sold and published—in any media—five stories, articles, photographs, videos or illustrations on outdoor-related topics in the past year.
  2. You have published a book or worked on an income-producing film or any form of audio on outdoor-related topics in the past five years.
  3. You are a full-time outdoor communicator in any media. 
  4. You are a citizen journalist who writes for a blog or other digital media that is updated with original content at least twice a month and receives 500 AUVs (Average Unique Views) per month over a 12-month period, or generates income.
If you do not qualify for Active membership, you can apply for Associate membership.

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